I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. — Psalm 139:14
黎明基督教学院努力为每个学生提供一个原则方法教育,指出每个孩子的基督. At Dayspring, we see each child as a unique individual, created by a loving Creator, and valued as such. It is because of this that Dayspring has created the P139 program, named for Psalm 139:14, 并且是为那些需要不同或不同教学方法的学生设计的, so they may work to their potential. P139满足包括自闭症谱系障碍在内的多种需求, specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, 执行能力挑战(组织和时间管理技能), with or without an official diagnosis or public school IEP. P139提供公立学校特殊教育的基督教替代方案,由经验丰富和有资格的教师领导, trained in meeting the needs of a variety of learners.
在这个项目中接受服务的学生有轻度到中度的学习需求. 该计划的重点是支持和/或修改常规教育课程, 或者取代常规教育课程中的科目,以使学生获得最大的成功. 所有在Daybreak项目中接受P139服务的学生都得到了常规教育科目的支持和监控, 在考试期间进入P139教室和任何需要帮助的常规教育任务, 在自习期间进入P139教室(高中), and classroom modifications as applicable to their needs. All intervention is driven by the individualized P139 Plan.
替代科目:低于某一学术水平的学生, 或者谁将受益于另一种教学方法可能有资格接受任何科目的替代教学. 替换受试者的资格由P139计划小组决定.
进入P139项目将由P139工作人员(P139主任和班主任)决定。, as well on a first come, first-served basis, as there are limited slots available.
学生将由家长或老师介绍到P139项目. 如果家长或老师认为他或她的学生可能需要专门的干预, 申请人将填妥转介表格,并送交P139主任. 学生将接受非正式测试,老师和家长将接受面试. If necessary, 一份正式的评估报告将由学生所在的学区出具, the IU13 (free of charge options), or a private service, which may carry a fee. 在收集所有评估结果后,将确定规划的水平. If it is determined that the student is eligible for services, a P139 plan will be written and a meeting will be held. 如果确定学生有资格参加P139计划, 将根据所建议的干预水平或类型收取费用. 如果家庭拒绝接受推荐的服务,Dayspring保留决定是否可以容纳转介到P139的孩子的权利.
参加P139项目的学生将获得P139计划, 这将具体地概述他们独特的教育轨迹. P139 plans will give an overview of the students’ strengths, needs, present levels of performance, 年度目标是基于他们目前的表现和对他们潜在表现的预测. P139计划还将列出用于实现年度目标的具体干预措施. 我们会定期监测学生的学习进度,并在成绩单上向家长汇报. 新的P139计划将每年编写一次,并在春季的P139家长会议上进行审查.
六年级到九年级的学生,他们有现有的GIEP或被认为是有天赋的, 通过其所在学区的测试,证明其全面智商达到130或以上,或在子测试中达到130或以上, may be enrolled in Dayspring’s Ignite Program. Students in the program will have their curriculum, learning activities, and/or evaluations tailored to their specific learning needs, as appropriate, allowing them to be challenged at higher, 与常规的教学差异相比,在更多的课堂时间里提供更有意义的水平. The Ignite Coordinator will provide support in English, History, 和科学课每循环一次,以一对一或小组形式与资优学生一起工作,或者为资优学生的明确利益向课堂老师提供支持. 家长可以选择只在孩子的特定天赋领域或所有核心课程中提供支持.
参加Ignite计划的学生将获得Ignite计划, which will outline their unique educational track. Ignite计划将概述学生的优势, needs, present levels of performance, and annual goals based on their current performance. Ignite plans will also list specific interventions to be used. 进度将定期监测,并在第二和第四季度的成绩单时间报告给家长. Ignite的计划将在每年春季的Ignite家长会议上进行审查.
在这个项目中接受服务的学生已经通过正式的评估确定为有学术天赋的学生, or who consistently maintain a 98% or higher grade average. 这个项目的学生还必须表现出与在常规教育环境中取得成功相称的职业道德.
有时,学生可能需要非学术性质的支持. This could include support for behavior, medical issues, 或任何需要P139员工时间和干预的非学术需求.
For more information on our Student Support Services,BCK体育注册官网的招生主任卡罗尔·黑斯廷斯,电话:717-285-2000.
Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的学校生活. 请致电717-285-2000或使用下面的按钮进行注册.
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